When will communism become as irrelevant in South Africa as in Poland (click on article to enlarge) - hell, here they sit in parliament and the liberals during the time of Malan, Verwoerd and Vorster and the other Nationalists said that we should not see communism as a threat. Were the Afikaner Nationalists right - yes! The Nationalist Party were close to Nazis, but what have we got now - Communists - as we see from the Polish experience these two are of the same family and we have just exchanged the one for the other. Liberal ANC leaders should now wean themselves from their erstwhile brothers in arms. The communists in SA should be removed from the ruling party alliance like one would remove a festering appendix or inflamed tonsils. They are an historic anchronism. ...and they are evil - the poor will be trodden down like in any communist regime before them. Only the elite will benefit in a stagnant socialist centered society. Do not let us go down that road.
Ennui and EFFlui
6 years ago