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Friday, November 7, 2008

How many Libertarians out there?

the American National Election Studies finds that roughly
13 percent of voters are libertarians. The shift away from the Republican
Party started ...

Liberty Forum of Fordham University


Libertarian candidates garner over 1.4 million votes nationwide
By Steve Newton(Steve Newton)
In order to determine the total Libertarian vote nationwide, I went state
by state through the currently available results (about 98-99% at the
moment) and looked for the highest vote total in any one of four
categories--President, ...

Delaware Libertarian

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Zulu wins Colombia Prize

Columbia University's highest oratorical honours went this year to a full-blooded Zulu, who won the annual contest yesterday for the George William Curtis medal. ka Iasaka Seme is the name of the winner. He is a mission student and a member of the class of 1906. His subject was "The Regenrarion of Africa"

This is how the talk started:

I have chosen to speak to you on this occasion upon 'The Regeneration of Africa.' I am an African, and I set my pride in my race over against a hostile public opinion. Men have tried to compare races on the basis of some equality. In all the works of nature, equality, if by it we mean identity, is an impossible dream! Search the Universe! You will find no two units alike. The Scientists tell us there are no two cells, no two atoms, identical. Nature has bestowed upon each a peculiar individuality, an exclusive patent - from the great giants of the forest to the tenderest blade. Catch in your hand, if you please, the gentle flakes of snow. Each is a perfect gem, a new creation it shines in its own glory - a work of art different from all its aerial companions. Man, the crowning achievement of nature, defies analysis. He is a mystery through all ages and for all time. The races of mankind are composed of free and unique individuals. An attempt to compare them on the basis of equality can never be finally satisfactory. Each is himself. My thesis stands on this truth; time has proven it. In all races, genius is like a spark, which, concealed in the blossom of flint, bursts forth at the summoning stroke. It may arise anywhere and in any race.

As we know, he was one of the founding members of the ANC. How I wish that this theme of individualism were maintained...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Typo

The letter from Mandela in Alan Donald's book does not say "liberation movements", which I am sure they meant. Our little movement did contribute a little I would say, but not enough that one would get Mandela to mention it however.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

6. Child Labor

I just came accross this in the book titled "The Incredible Bread Machine" a book published by "World Research, Inc." in 1974:

"Child labor was a particular target of early reformers. William Cooke Tatlor wrote at the time about these reformers who, witnissing children ar work in the factories, thought to themselves: 'How much more delightful would have been the gambol of the free limbs on the hillside; the sight of the green mead with its spangles of buttercups and daisies; the song of the bird and the humming bee...'
But for many of these children the factory system meant quite literally the only chance for survival. Today we overlook the fact that death from starvation and exposure was a common fate before the Industrial Revolution, for the pre capitalist economy was barely able to support the population. Yes, children were working. Formerly they would have starved. It was only as goods were produced in greater abundance at lower cost that men could support their families without sending their children to work. It was not the reformer or the politician that ended the grim necessity for child labor; it was capitalism."

Friday, September 19, 2008

5. Darkness Descends

1. Feature Article
A real electricity market will rapidly end blackouts
by Eustace Davie
SA's public enterprises, like Eskom, are remnants of an earlier age. They have survived from a time when many politicians and economists contended that the most important services should be in government hands.

Proponents of government ownership and control of the commanding heights of the economy believed that "only governments had the resources to finance such large enterprises" or they were "too important" to leave in the hands of the private sector or because they were considered to be "natural monopolies", they would be safer in government hands. The apartheid government clung to the state enterprises as part of its grand plan to make SA self-sufficient and so insulate the country against what it saw as a "total onslaught" against its racist regime.

Experience has since shown that none of these arguments have any validity. In fact, the opposite has proved to be true. It has been found that all business undertakings of the type currently in government hands provide more efficient, lower-cost services when they face open competition and have no statutory protection such as barriers to entry that keep out alternative suppliers. A fully functioning market is nothing more than voluntary exchange between individuals free of third party intervention.

Without a real market for a product or service there is no way of knowing whether resources are being utilised efficiently. Potential suppliers in such a market must face no barriers to entry and the consumers must determine prices.

Through buying, or refraining from buying, consumers control production and prices. Their cumulative activities send signals to producers telling them what to produce, when to produce and how much and when to invest. If consumers embrace a new product or service, producers can change patterns of consumption through innovation and gain handsomely. But if consumers do not take to a new product or service, producers can lose, sometimes heavily.

Governments have a bad habit of interfering in the functioning of markets ostensibly "in the public interest". They manipulate prices, tamper with the right of new producers to enter markets, or monopolise production in particular markets. Such interventions are generally portrayed as being efforts to protect consumers from the machinations of "greedy" producers, who without the interventions would supposedly exploit the helpless consumer. What they actually do is deprive consumers of their sovereignty; take away their power to compel producers to provide the goods and services that they want, in the form, time and place in which they want them. SA's electricity blackouts are a consequence of all three of the above-mentioned misguided interventions.

Electricity transmission may appear to present arguments for what is called vertical integration, which means having various processes under the control of a single owner. However, on closer examination we find that even the electricity grid, which consists of the high voltage transmission lines that carry electricity across the country, can have multiple owners as long as there is sound management to prevent the integrity of the grid from being compromised. In plain language that means to prevent someone from doing something irresponsible, negligent or stupid that causes an electricity blackout. The integrity of the North American grid, which has a multiplicity of owners and covers the entire US, Canada and a province of Mexico, is maintained by a private/public non-profit organisation called the North American Electricity Reliability Corporation (NERC).

Whoever owns the grid, its operation needs to be separated from the generation and distribution of electricity. In SA, such a separation would immediately open the way for competitive electricity generators to enter the market without prior government approval or the necessity of coming to an agreement with a monopoly entity such as Eskom. The generating company would merely have to follow the rules for safe operation of the grid and pay the cost of transmitting its electricity to purchasers.

Under current conditions of electricity shortage, aluminium smelters, mines and property developers would be able to search for electricity generators to supply them with the electricity they desperately need at a mutually agreed price. The generating company would feed the electricity into the grid and the purchaser would draw it off the grid, allowing for some loss in transmission.

Paying a higher price for the extra 10 per cent or so of electricity could prove very worthwhile. A loss of 100,000 ounces of platinum production due to power blackouts would convert, at $1,950 per ounce, into $195mn or about R1.47bn, a real incentive to find alternative electricity suppliers if it was not blocked by law or official discretion. Sugar producers, with their existing plant, could generate power and sell it to the aluminium smelters on their doorstep. Desperate property developers who have been told that they will have to place their multi-million rand projects on ice because of power shortages would possibly pay an even higher price for some of the electricity.

In the interim, all companies that currently have the capability to generate electricity should be given access to the grid for the purpose of transmitting electricity to customers. Access should naturally be dependent on meeting standard procedures to ensure that the integrity of the grid is not jeopardised but such procedures should not be stricter than those applied internally to Eskom generating plants. The additional power generators should not be compelled to sell their electricity to Eskom and should not be subjected to unreasonable transmission charges.

This is not a time for government to cling to archaic ideas about the supposed benefits of government ownership. It would also not be wise for labour unions to oppose the introduction of competition into power generation; surely any new power generator will be bidding up the price of skilled labour - their labour. This is a time for government to display economic policy management skills and immediately allow competitors into the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.

Author: Eustace Davie is a director of the Free Market Foundation. This article may be republished without prior consent but with acknowledgement to the author. The views expressed in the article are the author's and are not necessarily shared by the members of the Foundation.

Friday, September 12, 2008

4. Idealistic Societies

See Paulsville.

3. Idealistic Societies

2. Index on Liberty

1. Wikipedia on Liberty

Helvetius expresses this point clearly: "The free man is the man who is not in irons, nor imprisoned in a gaol (jail), nor terrorized like a slave by the fear of punishment... it is not lack of freedom not to fly like an eagle or swim like a whale."

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

1: The Talk by Jean-Pierre De La Porte: Reverse Engineering Freedom: 2

The result of the talk was much less impressive than the content of this award-winning talk at the 24th Libertarian Seminar held at Golden Gate 5-7 September 2008. He did a great job inspiring us to read Dennett - and explore the kinds of freedoms worth having.

A great seminar organised by Frances Kendall.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Self-detemination: 1

The right of self-determination in regard to the question of membership in a state thus means: whenever the inhabitants of a particular territory, whether it be a single village, a whole district, or a series of adjacent districts, make it known, by a freely conducted plebiscite, that they no longer wish to remain united to the state to which they belong at the time, but wish either to form an independent state or to attach themselves to some other state, their wishes are to be respected and complied with. This is the only feasible and effective way of preventing revolutions and civil and international wars.

To call this right of self-determination the "right of self-determination of nations" is to misunderstand it. It is not the right of self-determination of a delimited national unit, but the right of the inhabitants of every territory to decide on the state to which they wish to belong. (Von Mises – Liberalism)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Tax Freedom Day

Interesting ststs on Wikipeadia on Tax Freedom Day. I didn't realise that India was tops! Explains some of the growth we have been seeing there lately.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

9. Inflation

In the Sunday Times (July 27 2008) Chris Visser, Sanlam Chair in investment management at the School of Business and management at the University of the Western Cape, says: "Local prices are simply local prices translated via the Rand exchange rate (with some tax)". This simply cannot be true - imagine if the Chair in Economics of Harare said that of the Zimbabwean currency - we would all busrt out in histerical laughter because we know that a "good" currency would strenthen under the condition of other currencies being inflated and the local one not. And stuff in the local currency will cost the same as before.

In a country with a "good" currency the exchange rate reflects good economic policy. What do we mean by a "good" currency - simple, where the money supply is curtailed in relation to the goods and services being produced in that coutry. This is what I learnt in Economics I (which is by the way as far as I got - does it show?).

With my limited knowledge I am not able to say "raise the level of competitiveness on the supply side and prevent excess monetary accommodation that would push the demand side beyond a sustainable level..." But I guess allowing in cheap imports and stop printing money and reduce taxes and government expenditure will do the trick for me - and for the poor and for economic growth and for equality.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

8. Lighthouse

The mission of The Independent Institute is to transcend the all-too-common politicization and superficiality of public policy research and debate, redefine the debate over public issues, and foster new and effective directions for government reform.

Friday, August 15, 2008

7. Garth in "Pirate boarding ship" mood at

Gerhardts 2 in 1 restaurant at the monthly libertarian gettogether (August 2008). See you there on the first Wednesday of every month from 6 ish.

Monday, August 11, 2008

6. Another lonely soul

Monday, June 9, 2008

5. Small steps toward a much better world.


The free state project

Thursday, May 22, 2008

4. Darkness descends in another way.

Latest report - 42 dead in Xenophobic (racist) attacks in SA. 35 000 displaced. 22 May 2008.


A total societal overhaul.

Friday, May 16, 2008

3. The Wicked of the world.

Adam Smith wrote

“The justice of God, however, we think, still requires, that he should hereafter avenge the injuries of the widow and the fatherless, who are here so often insulted with impunity. In every religion, and in every superstition that the world has ever beheld, accordingly, there has been a Tartarus as well as an Elysium; a place provided for the punishment of the wicked, as well as one for the reward of the just.”

Adam Smith

Crimes punished in Tartarus (we wish)
Among those punished in Tartarus are also those who in life hated their own brothers, those who struck their parents, those who loving fraud entangled their clients, those who kept their wealth for themselves without ever sharing (these are the majority), those who killed for adultery, those engaged in treason, those who corrupted the laws and became dictators, those who entered the beds of their daughters, and others who committed numerous crimes which would never cease to fill an unending catalogue; but equally unending are the punishments and retributions inflicted here: rolling huge rocks, whirling round, or sitting in the Chair of Oblivion are just a few examples.

Other punishments for the wicked
The most wicked and the worst criminals are cast into Tartarus, whence they never emerge. Others, who have committed great wrongs but who nevertheless are curable, are thrown into Tartarus where they remain for some time until the waves, either of Cocytus or of Pyriphlegethon cast them out again. They then are carried by the currents to the Acherusian Lake, where they beg to those whom they have wronged to be gracious and let them come out into the lake. If they prevail and their prayers are heard by those who had been outraged by them, they may come out and their ills cease, but if not they return to Tartarus starting all over again until they prevail upon those whom they have wronged. This penalty is imposed upon them by the Judges.

Who do you think belongs here? First in my list are: Mugabe & Military rulers of Myanmar. Pol Pot and Hitler are too to be found there. Stalin? People that Xenophobically attack the fellow Africans in Alexandra.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

2. Libertarian Spring Seminars - through the years.

2008 24th

This year's Libertarian Spring Seminar took place at Golden Gate National Park from 5 - 7 September.

Speakers included:
Louise Botha: Health Care in SA
Stewart Clarke: What Physics tells us
Dougie Shaw: Crime: Fears, Facts and Fantasies
Frances Kendall: The Happiness Hypothesis
Leon Louw
Neil Emerick
Jim Harris

Avishkar Govender: The future of Salsa (not presented)

Janette Eldridge: Report on Jonathan Livingstone Seagull (sic)

Charl Heydenrych - Orania

To confirm bookings for accommodation I will need payment by the end of July.


The cost of the seminar was R612 per day per person sharing. This includes accommodation, all meals and teas, park fees and conference facilities. There is also a registration fee of R150. There are also camping facilities at Golden Gate -- if you want to camp you should make arrangements directly with the National Park.

2007 23rd

2006 22nd

2005 21st
2004 20th

The highlight of the tour was the First South African Individual Freedom Conference, which was held at the new offices of the Free Market Foundation of South Africa (FMF) in Sandton. This excellent conference was instigated by Janette and organized by Trevor. Talks included:

The triumph of government - at keeping citizens poor and elites rich (Leon Louw);

Should criminals be punished? (Christian Michel);

How wrong ideas survive and breed (Dr. Kelvin Kemm);

The war in Iraq (a debate between Barun Mitra and myself);

Why I am not a democrat - I prefer freedom (Christian Michel);

Changing South Africa (Maja Mokoena of the Economic Freedom Movement);

The regulation explosion: How laws are ruining our lives (Dougie Shaw);

Freedom evolves (Dr Jim Harris);

Why can't we sell individual freedom? (a discussion led by Trevor Watkins);

Individual rights and immigration wrongs (Ken Schoolland); and

The Liberty English Camp of India (Barun Mitra).

2003 19th @ Breakwater Lodge.

Organised by Barry & Betty Kayton

Thursday ?
2002 18th Libertarian Spring Seminar: Golden gate Highlands National Park. 26 -29 September 2002.

Thursday 26
Drink Tank...
The miracle of Poverty Leon Louw
Friday 27
I have a dream that one day...with the help of Jonathan Gullible - Janette Eldridge
Free Minds - Barry Kayton
Real freedom movement - Richard Yelland & maja Mokoena
Why a libertarian Party will always fail in SA Norman davis
The trouble with Democracy - Garth Zietsman
Quality Capitalism vs Conventional Capitalism
Libertarianism Schimibertarianism - Vivienne Vermaak
People should butt out - liberty in public spaces - Jim Harris

Saturday 28

Denationalise money - Eustice Davie
Ignore victinless crimes and convict real criminals: the fact - Jean Redpath
Drug patents, drug activists and access to drugs - Richard Tren
Workshop on Nigeria: Applying Libertarian ideals to the real world - can it be achieved in Africa? Theresa Griesel
Enron et al : The Solution - Gary Moore
Legislation update/passion panel

Sunday 29

Afro-optimism: Justified - Kerrin Myres
E-Liberty - Neil Emerick
Consense: Consent and common sense. Trevor Watkins (introduced as: "Married to Linda, father of 2 girls and a boy, only person to attend every Libsoc seminar, deputy president of the Kiss Party. Unemployed amateur inventor, holder of 3 provisional patents, developer of the CHROME CRM product, author of half a book. Hero: little people who persevere; Villain: big people who persecute. Ambition: to leave some footprints on the beach...") *Note - this ambition was achieved when he moved to JB in 2007(?).
(Hard copy 4570)
2001 17th

Oct 26,27,28 2001 Mabaligwe Game reserve (outside Warmbaths)

2000 16th

1999 15th
1998 14th Libertarian Spring Seminar

(since the Cheques had to be made out to Amagi Books, I suspect Frances was the organiser)

September 27 - 27

Everglades Hotel and Conference Centre.

Thu 24

Symond Fiske

etc. I'll put in the rest of the programme later. (file ref 3373 - original programme)
1997 13th
1996 12th Annual Libertarian Seminar "Confronting the realities" Quantani. 10 – 13 Oct 96 Qwantani Sterkfontein dam
Organiser - Charl Heydenrych

Thu Oct 10
Leon Louw: Our new constitution - What went on behind the scenes, results & outlook.

Fri Oct 11
Symond Fiske: To whom should Libertaria belong
Jim Harris & Garth Zietsman: Science is an essential component of the free world.

Sat Oct 12
Terry Markman: Freedom and economic growth
Themba Sono: Black Liberalism: A contradiction in terms?
Johan Enslin: The right to self determination
Kelvin Kemm: Environmentalism as if reality matters.
Jim Peron: Porn Again.

Sun Oct 13
Passion Panel.
(ref 3465)

1995 11th Libertarian Spring Seminar
Organiser: Trevor Watkins

Franschoek Mountain Manor

8 -10 September 1995

I'll fill in the details later (Charl Heydenrych filing system no 3420)

11. 7-10 sept 95



1994 10th
10. 94
1993 9th

9. 93 30/9- 3/10 Sparkling waters Magaliesburg


gail day, velma gore Science against unreason -jim (7998)

Source: Individualist Dec 1993.

1992 8th Libertarian Spring Seminar: Cathedral Peak Hotel
(file 3156)

8. 92 10-13 sept Cathedral Peak hotel Jim peron R 250-300

10 - 13 September

Thu 10 Sept
Fri 11 Sept
Sat 12 Sept
Sun 13 Sept

Smallest since start
1991 seventh salt rock hotel

7. 91 Salt Rock Hotel Gavin Weiman
Carol Arnold Small in numbers

1990 sixth Indaba Hotel


Nancy Seijas
Don Caldwell
Frank Vorhies

Carel Boshoff
1989 Fifth: Sanford park lodge (Drakensberg)
5. 89 Sanford Park Lodge Symond Fiske
7 - 10 September
1988 Fourth:Royal Swazi Sun Hotel (Also the 4th World Conference of Libertarian International)

Gail Day, Leon Louw and Franced Kendall
Stateside Vince Miller, Jim Elwood, Bruce Evoy
Freedom network news Aug 1988 no18 (7998)

Brochure in Lib Filing system 4609

Speakers included:
Mubarak Awad
David Boaz
James R. Elwood
M. Bruce Evoy
John Hospers
James Johnston
Hubert Jongen
Frances Kendall
Albert Koopman
Leon Louw
David Maphumulo
Lawrence Mavundla
Vincent Miller ( .../vincent-miller-1938-2008.html )
Ned Munger
Dr. Steve Pejovich
Robert W. Poole
Frederil van Zyl Slabbert
Marc Swanepoel
Louise A Tager


1987 Third
Libertarian Spring Seminar 1987: Little Switzerland

Thu 27 Aug Libertarian Fundamentals Dave Tait

Fri 28 Aug Selling Capitalism to Marxists Leon Louw
Marketing individual Freedom Prof Nkuhlu Transkei Univ.
Groundswell Update Nick Taylor
Freedom, Morality & Law Marc Swanepoel
Common Law - its meaning and application Norman Davis
A Bill of Rights - a worthless piece of paper? Martin Fey Natal Univ.
Liberty and order - 2 sides of the same coin Dirk Hertzog Rembrandt
What is coersion? Frances Kendall
Libertarian by logic Johan Gevers
Libertarian by nature Symond Fiske

Sat 29 Aug Voluntary town planning - an impossible dream? Martin Drake Wits
Is there a fair tax Costa Divaris
FMF update Leaon Louw
Industrial relations in a free society Loet Douwes Dekker WBS
Liberating the work ethic Albert Koopman Cashbuild
A process to implement deregulation Ian Hetherington
Freedom in an unfree world Jim Harris
Is selfishness moral Libby Husemeyer
A capitalist under socialism James Mbetse
A socialist under capitalism Michael Mann

...Shortly after I arrived I attended a national libertarian seminar that focused extensively on socialism. After a presentation on selling capitalism to Marxists I suggested that those in favour of liberal capitalism should understand Marxism. Frances Kendall responded that perhaps I should offer a course on marxism in johannesburg... (Frank Vorhies: Comprehending Karl Marx) See to order a copy.

Sun 30 Aug
Freedom through dicipline Lois van Loon
Capitalism tainted Eugene Nyati
The dilemma of Liberalism
Libsoc feedback

Passion Panel
The UK experience Eustace Davie
Transport deregulation Terry Markman
The solution Frances Kendall

3. 27-30 aug 87 Little Switzerland Hotel Terry Markman Peter Kidson, Charl Heydenrych
Trevor Watkins

Soeakers: Eugene Njati

Buddist (7998)


1986 Second Libsem

Drakensberg Mount Aux Sources

2. 30 oct –2 nov 86 Mont-Aux-Sources Hotel
Drakensberg Peter Kidson, Charl Heydenrych

Trevor Watkins
Judith Mason
Geert de Wet
Ed Dexter

Godfrey Dunkley

Security police

Leon’s suggestion of a privately owned Society


Trevor Watkins Judith mason
Geert de wet

Ed Dexter

Godfrey Dunkley Security police

Leon’s suggestion of a privately owned Society


Judith Mason
Geert de Wet
Ed Dexter
Charl Heydenrych - Libertaria
Godfrey Dunkley
Security police

Leon’s suggestion of a privately owned Society


1985 First Libsem
1. 6-8 sept 1985 Nebo
Frances Kendall



Spring Seminars – A history

Trevor Watkins has written a few “histories” over the years. For example “Trevor Watkins remembers seven years of Spring Seminars” in the Individualist (January 1992, Vol. 16 No 1).

Programme available (15) Registration fee R 100
Small plane take-off
13. 97 2-5 oct 97 Bergview motel Gail day Mark Heaton – how to annoy the burocrats Described by Jim Harris in individualist may 1998 vol 21 issue 1 – (3150)
Passion panel - lindela
14. 24-27 september 98 Everglades hotel natal midlands Francis
15. 7-10 oct 99 Roode vallei country lodge Francis Intelligence garth zietsman 3258 Got the number wrong
16. 00
17. 01
18. 02
19. 03
20. 04 Clarens
21. 05 Clarens
22. 06?

3. 27-30 aug 87 Little Switzerland Hotel Terry Markman Peter Kidson, Charl Heydenrych
Trevor Watkins Eugene Njati

Buddist (7998)
4. 88 WLC Swaziland Francis
Gail Freedom network news Aug 1988 no18 (7998)
5. 89 Sanford Park Lodge Symond Fiske
6. 90 Indaba Hotel Nancy Seijas
Don Caldwell
Frank Vorhies Carel Boshoff
7. 91 Salt Rock Hotel Gavin Weiman
Carol Arnold Small in numbers
8. 92 10-13 sept Cathedral Peak hotel Jim peron R 250-300 Smallest since 1994
9. 93 30/9- 3/10 Sparkling waters
magaliesburg Trevor velma gore Science against unreason -jim (7998)
10. 94
11. 7-10 sept 95 Swiss farm excelsior
Trevor Hooker?
12. 10 – 13 Oct 96 Qwantani Sterkfontein dam Charl Heydenrych R100

Programme available (15) Registration fee R 100
Small plane take-off
13. 97 2-5 oct 97 Bergview motel Gail day Mark Heaton – how to annoy the burocrats Described by Jim Harris in individualist may 1998 vol 21 issue 1 – (3150)
Passion panel - lindela
14. 24-27 september 98 Everglades hotel natal midlands Francis
15. 7-10 oct 99 Roode vallei country lodge Francis Intelligence garth zietsman 3258 Got the number wrong
16. 00
17. 01
18. 02
19. 03
20. 04 Clarens
21. 05 Clarens
22. 06?

To be slotted in: Indaba Hotel
Franschoek 2X?

1. The Liberty Switchboard

Let this become the liberty hub. THE place where liberty sites and happenings are pulled together - the march towards individual liberty is recorded and commented upon.